一、河海大学介绍? 河海大学(Hohai University),简称“河海”,位于江苏省会南京市,是一所有百年办学历史,以水利为特色,工科为主,多学科协调发展的教育部直属,教育部、水
ArchiCAD为匈牙利的建筑师与数学家组成软件公司所开发,是目前市面上老资格且持续销售的BIM 建筑设计软件,Graphisoft 在80 年代早期开始将ArchiCAD推出于市场上,并提倡虚拟建筑(Virtual Building)的BIM概念,以3D为发展基础再加上参数自动计算生成数据,让ArchiCAD在设计运用上带来极高的效益,且也是唯一可在苹果计算机麦金塔系统中运作的对象模型导向(object-model-oriented)系统。
ArchiCAD支持多项的使用者界面,例如:Maxon可支持曲线表面的模型及动画。此外,软件中也包含有OBDC界面,提供软件用户额外延伸的对象资料库。另外,Graphisoft为了BIM数据携带方便性而另外开发了”料携带方便性而另浏览器,能让工作团队以智慧手机或平板计算机,随时携带浏览ArchiCAD 所建立的BIM 项目文件,并能浏览建筑组件的信息及基本量测功能,实现数据与现场的实时结合运用。而ArchiCAD 在对于不同绘图设计文件格式,提供较详尽对应设定的转换器,能更有效地依照用户需求进行数据的读取与跨平台的使用,而对于不同BIM 软件的信息交换支持IFC的汇入与汇出使用,也提供对应目前市面较主流的BIM软件间IFC转换设定,能更有效率的确保数据转换时的损失减少。
ArchiCAD 是一款建筑设计软件,提供独一无二的、基于BIM的施工文档解决方案。ArchiCAD 简化了建筑的建模和文档过程,即使模型达到前所未有的详细程度。
区别: archicad更建筑,更简单,效率更高,更接近sketchup的意思,代理方广联达也是算量软件的大商家,结合比较好。
Archicad is a powerful architectural design software widely used in the industry. It offers a range of tools and features that can greatly enhance the learning experience for students in the field of architecture. The release of Archicad 26 brings even more advanced functionalities, making it a must-have for educational institutions.
Archicad 26 introduces several significant updates and improvements. Some key features include:
Downloading Archicad 26 Education version is a straightforward process:
Before downloading Archicad 26 Education, make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements:
Archicad 26 Education download offers students and educators access to the latest version of the software, packed with powerful features and improvements that enhance the learning and design experience. By downloading Archicad 26, educational institutions can equip their students with the tools they need to excel in the field of architecture.
Thank you for reading this article, and we hope it provides helpful information about Archicad 26 Education download.
SketchUp 是用来推敲设计的工具,而 ArchiCAD 和 Revit 都是 BIM 软件,基本是方案已经定下来,开始深化设计的时候才使用的。这是为什么你会觉得 ArchiCAD「用起来很挣扎」。 打个不慎严谨的比方——SketchUp 就像是铅笔和草图纸,而 ArchiCAD / Revit 则是针管笔、三角尺和圆规。它们是在不同设计阶段互补使用的。 另外如果你在国外读建筑的话,Rhino 会用得比较多,甚至你的老师会直接不让你用 SketchUp。但如果你之后有回国工作的打算,那也肯定得会用 SU。Rhino 在我看来基本可以替代 SketchUp 和 AutoCAD,而且能与 BIM 软件良好对接,建议学习。 至于报班的问题,起码 SketchUp 你是完全可以在极短时间内自学上手的。其他软件,网上也有大把免费的教程可看——在 Lynda 上也有收费但质量颇高的教程。培训班良莠不齐,很多收费甚高但提供的东西与其价格不适配。建议你先尝试自学,若效果不佳,再考虑报班。 此外,若你学建筑,你之后跟 InDesign、Illustrator 和 Photoshop 打交道的时间,有可能会比上述的建模、制图软件更多。
Archicad 26 is a professional 3D modeling software designed for architects and designers to create detailed architectural designs and documentation. The education version of Archicad 26 offers students and educators the opportunity to use this powerful software for free, enabling them to learn, practice, and explore architectural design concepts.
The education version of Archicad 26 provides many benefits for students and educators:
To download the education version of Archicad 26 for free, follow the steps below:
Before downloading Archicad 26 education version, make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements:
With the free download of Archicad 26 education version, students and educators can access a professional 3D modeling software that enables them to learn, practice, and explore architectural design concepts. The full feature set, learning resources, and collaboration capabilities offered by Archicad 26 make it an ideal tool for architectural education. Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your architectural skills and create stunning designs.
Thank you for reading our article on the free download of Archicad 26 education version. We hope this information has been helpful in guiding you to access this powerful tool for your architectural education. Start your architectural journey with Archicad 26 and unlock your creative potential.
区别: archicad更建筑,更简单,效率更高,更接近sketchup的意思,代理方广联达也是算量软件的大商家,结合比较好。