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十九科技网 2024-11-17 15:11:37 61 °C


  holes  英 [həʊlz]  美 [hoʊlz]  n.洞( hole的名词复数 ); 球洞; 破洞; 洞穴    双语例句  

1. The holes were sufficiently large to serve as nests.  这些洞作鸟巢足够大。  来自柯林斯例句  

2. Everywhere building facades are pitted with shell and bullet holes.  任一处的建筑物正面都布满了弹洞。  来自柯林斯例句  

3. There were some holes in that theory, some unanswered questions.  那个理论中有一些漏洞,一些问题没有解答。  来自柯林斯例句  

4. Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour.  用颜色相配的木质填料填平小孔。  来自柯林斯例句  

5. The paper was used for sealing up holes in walls and roofs.  这些纸用来封住墙壁和屋顶的洞。  来自柯林斯例句

二、digging holes是什么意思?




Holes是著名少儿小说作家路易斯.萨克(Louis Sachar)最受欢迎的作品。这本著作曾经荣获1999年纽柏瑞儿童文学奖,是一部十分精采有趣的著作。

小说的作者路易斯.萨克(Louis Sachar)在加州名校UC Berkeley完成了大学的学业(1976),后通过律师职业考试,担任了收入颇丰的执业律师。但他并没有因享受稳定的中产阶级生活,而放弃自己对少儿阅读书籍的创作。目前,作品频出的路易斯.萨克已经成了一名专职作家。

故事主角是一位名叫Stanley的少年,就像是宿命注定,他家好几代一直都很倒霉,所以一点也不意外他会因为审判不公而被判偷窃罪。成为了少年犯的Stanley被送到沙漠边缘的“绿湖营”,每天在干涸的河床上挖一个大洞,这些明明毫无意义的苦工,管理者说是为了磨练他们的个性,但 Stanley 却觉得他们动机并不单纯,决定要挖出真相……



holes 英[həʊlz] 美[hoʊlz] n. 洞( hole的名词复数 ); 球洞; 破洞; 洞穴; [例句]The socks are worn into holes.袜子磨破了。

五、Leather Puncher - The Ultimate Tool for Creating Holes in Belts


A leather puncher, also known as a belt hole puncher, is an essential tool for creating holes in belts. It is widely used in the leatherworking industry and by individuals who want to customize their belts to the perfect fit. This article will explore the functions, types, and benefits of leather punchers, as well as provide tips for choosing the right one.

Functions of Leather Punchers

A leather puncher is primarily used to create holes in belts, allowing users to adjust the length and fit of their belts. This tool is essential for anyone who often finds themselves between sizes or desires a more precise fit. Additionally, leather punchers can be used to add extra holes to existing belts, enabling adjustments as body weight fluctuates.

Types of Leather Punchers

There are several types of leather punchers available on the market:

  • Manual leather puncher: This type requires manual force to punch holes in leather belts. It is a cost-effective option and suitable for occasional use.
  • Rotary leather puncher: A rotary leather puncher offers more convenience and efficiency. It employs a rotating wheel with different-sized punches, allowing users to easily select the desired hole size.
  • Automatic leather puncher: Designed for high-volume and professional use, the automatic leather puncher is capable of punching multiple holes consecutively with minimal effort. It is equipped with advanced features such as adjustable hole spacing and depth control.

Benefits of Leather Punchers

Investing in a leather puncher offers numerous benefits:

  • Customization: With a leather puncher, you can customize the fit of your belts to achieve optimal comfort and style.
  • Cost savings: Instead of purchasing new belts every time your size changes, a leather puncher allows you to modify your existing belts.
  • Professional finish: Creating evenly-spaced and clean-cut holes with a leather puncher gives your belts a polished and professional look.
  • Versatility: Leather punchers can be used not only on belts but also on other leather accessories like watch bands, straps, and dog collars.

Tips for Choosing the Right Leather Puncher

When selecting a leather puncher, consider the following factors:

  • Usage frequency: If you are a casual user, a manual or rotary leather puncher will suffice. For professional use or frequent belt modifications, an automatic puncher is recommended.
  • Hole size options: Ensure that the leather puncher offers a range of hole sizes to accommodate different belt widths.
  • Quality and durability: Look for a leather puncher made from high-quality materials that guarantee longevity and precision.
  • Ergonomics: Consider the comfort and ease of use of the leather puncher, especially if you will be working on multiple belts or accessories at a time.

In conclusion, a leather puncher is an indispensable tool for creating holes in belts, offering customization, cost savings, and a professional finish. Whether you are a leatherworker or an individual who values a perfect fit, a leather puncher will undoubtedly elevate your belt game.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided valuable insights into the world of leather punchers and their benefits. Whether you are looking to upgrade your leatherworking tools or simply want to enhance your style, a leather puncher is a worthy investment.














为当梦是浮生事?为复浮生是梦中?——唐 白居易《诗喝》

【译文】 人生如梦,却不知浮生是梦中。假如你懂得人生如梦的话,梦中何必争人我。就不会太计较人我是非了。





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