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会计的ARR全称是:会计收益率法 Accounting Rate of Return 。 定义: 使用会计报表数据和会计收益与成本理论计算投资回报率的方法,常用于投资项目评估。 会计收益率是指项目的原始投资所获得的年平均净收益率。会计收益率法就是将投资项目的年平均净收益率与该项投资的资金成本加以比较,判断投资是否可取,然后在可取投资方案中选择会计收益率大的投资方案的一种投资决策方法。



ARR是Abbreviated Revenue Rate(缩写收入率)的简称,是一种常用的金融指标,用于衡量公司的收入水平和发展趋势。ARR通过计算相对简化的收入数据,可以更快速地反映出公司的业绩表现和长期增长潜力,因而在金融行业和投资领域被广泛应用。


ARR金融的计算方法通常采用如下公式:ARR = (总收入 - 参考期收入) / 参考期间的天数。其中,总收入是指一定期间内公司的总收入金额,参考期收入是指与总收入相对比的特定参考期间内的收入金额,参考期间的天数即特定参考期间的总天数。


  • 1. 衡量公司的收入水平:ARR作为一种收入指标,可以帮助投资者和分析师了解公司的实际收入水平,从而判断其盈利能力和财务稳定性。
  • 2. 评估公司的增长潜力:通过分析ARR的变化趋势,可以预测公司的未来发展潜力,进而指导投资决策。
  • 3. 比较不同公司的业绩:ARR作为一种标准化的收入指标,可以帮助投资者对比不同公司的业绩,以便做出更准确的投资选择。
  • 4. 监控公司的运营情况:ARR金融指标能够反映出公司在一定期间内的运营情况,帮助公司管理层及时发现并解决运营问题。

















四、Understanding ARR in Finance with Examples

What is ARR in Finance?

ARR, or Accounting Rate of Return, is a financial metric used to evaluate the profitability of an investment. It measures the average annual profit earned from an investment as a percentage of the initial investment cost.

Calculating ARR

The formula to calculate ARR is:

ARR = Average Annual Profit / Initial Investment Cost * 100%

Example of ARR Calculation

Let's illustrate the calculation of ARR with an example. Assume a company invests $100,000 in a project and expects to earn a net profit of $25,000 per year for the next five years.

To calculate the average annual profit, we sum up the net profits for each year: $25,000 + $25,000 + $25,000 + $25,000 + $25,000 = $125,000.

Using the formula, we can calculate the ARR: ARR = $125,000 / $100,000 * 100% = 125%.

Interpreting ARR

An ARR of 125% means that the investment is expected to generate an average annual profit of 125% of the initial investment cost. Generally, a higher ARR indicates a more profitable investment. However, it is important to consider other factors such as the time value of money, risk, and the company's required rate of return when evaluating investment opportunities.

Limitations of ARR

While ARR is a useful metric, it has some limitations:

  • ARR does not consider the timing of cash flows. Projects with different cash flow patterns may have the same ARR but can have vastly different profitability.
  • ARR disregards the time value of money. Future cash flows are not discounted, which can lead to inaccurate evaluations.
  • ARR relies on accounting profit, which may not reflect actual cash flows or consider non-financial factors.


ARR is a metric commonly used in finance to evaluate the profitability of investments. It provides insight into the average annual profit generated by an investment as a percentage of the initial investment cost. However, it is important to consider the limitations of ARR and to use it in conjunction with other financial evaluation techniques to make well-informed investment decisions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has helped you gain a better understanding of ARR in finance and its calculation. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.


艾瑞泽(arrizo)系列。有奇瑞艾瑞泽5跟7.是奇瑞公司出产的一款轿车。在中国传统文化及江河、水流等自然生命的灵感启迪下,艾瑞泽完美诠释了奇瑞汽车全新的设计语言,在前脸轮廓线条的处理上, 设计师在艾瑞泽家族DNA中融入了经典的中国元素:镶嵌奇瑞Logo的镀铬饰条横贯中网,与两侧大灯组内部的金属饰条相连,共同与中网轮廓构成中国古代建筑“廊桥”的形态。


ARR是annual recurring revenue的缩写,中文翻译为年度经常性收入。收入,会计学术语,会计要素之一,是指企业在日常活动中形成的、会导致所有者权益增加的、与所有者投入资本无关的经济利益的总流入。收入按企业从事日常活动的性质不同,分为销售商品收入、提供劳务收入和让渡资产使用权收入。收入按企业经营业务的主次不同,分为主营业务收入和其他业务收入。

七、python冒泡排序,arr[i], arr[i + 1] = arr[i + 1], arr[i],这段是什么意思呢,怎么理解?



八、Understanding ARR in Finance: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to ARR

In the field of finance, ARR stands for Accounting Rate of Return. It is a financial metric used to evaluate the profitability of an investment or project. ARR is widely used by businesses to assess the potential return on investment and make informed financial decisions.

Calculation Method

The ARR formula calculates the average annual profit generated by an investment over its useful life, divided by the initial investment cost. The resulting percentage represents the rate of return expected on the investment. The formula is as follows:

ARR = (Average Annual Profit / Initial Investment) x 100%

Significance of ARR

ARR is an important financial tool as it helps businesses in several ways. Firstly, it allows companies to compare different investment opportunities and choose the most profitable ones. By calculating the expected rate of return, companies can prioritize investments that offer higher returns, thus maximizing their profitability.

Secondly, ARR enables businesses to assess the feasibility of a project or investment. By comparing the ARR with the desired rate of return or the company's minimum acceptable rate of return, management can determine whether a project is financially viable or should be rejected.

Limitations of ARR

It is important to note that ARR has its limitations. One major drawback is that it does not consider the time value of money. ARR assumes that all cash flows occur at the same time and ignores the concept of discounted cash flows. Therefore, it may not provide an accurate assessment of the true profitability of an investment.

Additionally, ARR does not take into account the project's lifespan or the timing of cash flows, which can affect the investment's overall profitability. It also does not consider the risk associated with the investment, making it less suitable for evaluating high-risk projects.


In conclusion, ARR (Accounting Rate of Return) is a financial metric used in the field of finance to evaluate the profitability of an investment or project. It helps businesses compare investment opportunities, assess project feasibility, and make informed financial decisions. However, it is important to consider the limitations of ARR, such as its lack of consideration for the time value of money and other factors that can affect investment profitability.

Thank you for reading this comprehensive guide on ARR in finance. We hope it has provided you with a better understanding of this important financial metric and its application in evaluating investment profitability.

九、What Does "ARR" Mean in Finance? Understanding ARR in Financial Analysis

When it comes to financial analysis, there are various acronyms and terms that are commonly used. One such term is "ARR". So, what does "ARR" mean in finance? In this article, we will explore the concept of ARR and its significance in financial analysis.

Definition of ARR

ARR stands for "Annual Recurring Revenue". It is a metric used to measure the predictable and recurring revenue generated by a company's products or services over a specific period of time, usually a year. ARR is especially important for businesses that rely on subscription-based models or have long-term contracts with their customers.

Calculation of ARR

To calculate ARR, you need to determine the annual value of each recurring revenue source. This could include subscription fees, maintenance contracts, or any other predictable revenue stream. Once you have the total annual revenue from these sources, you can derive the ARR figure.

Here is the formula to calculate ARR:

  • Add up the annual revenue generated from each source of recurring revenue.
  • Exclude any one-time or non-recurring revenue.
  • The sum obtained represents the ARR.

Significance of ARR

ARR is a critical metric for companies as it provides valuable insights into their financial performance and growth potential. It helps identify the stability and predictability of the revenue stream generated by the company's products or services. By tracking changes in ARR over time, businesses can assess their ability to retain and expand their customer base.

Moreover, ARR can be used to calculate other important financial ratios such as the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV). These ratios help businesses assess the effectiveness of their marketing and sales strategies and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

Limitations of ARR

While ARR is a useful metric, it does have some limitations. Since it only considers recurring revenue sources, it may not provide a comprehensive view of a company's overall financial health. It may not account for one-time sales, non-recurring revenue, or potential future revenue. Therefore, it is important to consider other financial indicators and metrics in conjunction with ARR to get a holistic understanding of a company's financial performance.


ARR, or Annual Recurring Revenue, is a key metric in financial analysis that measures the predictable and recurring revenue generated by a company's products or services over a specific period of time. It is an important indicator of a company's financial stability and growth potential, particularly for businesses operating on a subscription-based or contract-based model. However, it is important to use ARR in conjunction with other financial metrics to get a complete picture of a company's financial health.

Thank you for reading this article and gaining a better understanding of what "ARR" means in finance. We hope this information helps you in your financial analysis endeavors.


ARR 是(Annual Recurring Revenue)年度经常性收入的首字母缩写,也是 SaaS 或有长期订阅协议的订阅业务使用的关键指标,这意味着有一个定义的合同长度。





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